Thursday, June 22, 2017


Life and death. What is life and what is death? Why people live if they will die in the end? Why do people wants to live while the other wants to die? Why people who doesn’t deserve to live they are the one who is healthy. Far from dying. I mean those person are the evil one. Those questions always come up in my mind. Is it unfair for us? Why do we need to live if we also need to die? Why? We did not ask to live but why we are living? What is the purpose for that? And why when we starting to enjoy our lives, why does it need to end so fast?

Life is so unfair. I want to live. I want to live as long as my grandparents did. I want to live the same what they experienced. I want to live and enjoy happiness in life. But I think this will not happening. I will not experience those things. I will not enjoy my life to its fullest.

I am Ella and it was August 19, last year, when I diagnosed a malignant brain tumor. A malignant brain tumor is a cancerous type of tumor. It is a fast growing cancer that spreads to the other areas of the brain and spine. And the chances of living at least a year is 40%. Imagined my feelings when I heard that I have tumor. I feel like I was the most unlucky person living. Why does it have to be me? I never imagined that, this would happen to me.

I was happy that day. I was celebrating my birthday. My dad was back from Saudi, he is an OFW, and he came back just to celebrate my birthday here. It feels like a first time to me to have a complete family. I feel ecstatic. I was filled with joy. All things that surround me are happiness.

Then all of a sudden, I feel dizzy, my vision was blur and in just a minute I passed out. The next thing I knew is me, in an unfamiliar white room, lying in bed. I asked my family what happened to me and they said I passed out and they immediately bring me here in the hospital. Actually, I always experience a severe headache and vomiting. Maybe because I was lack in sleep the fast few days. I was preparing for my examination. Maybe that is the reason. But I was wrong. Very wrong. Its not because of it, it’s because of the tumor. A tumor in my cerebellum.

I couldn’t accept it. I was too young for that. I want to be with my family. I have plans for my future. I want to achieve my dreams. I want to finish my study, have a happy family and to live longer. I always ask questions to myself, why me? Do I deserve to experience this kind of situation? Did I do anything wrong and this is my punishment? As far as I can remember, I am always kind to everyone. I am a good daughter to my parents and a good sister to my siblings. I am achiever. I always have a high grades. And I even go to church every Sundays, but I guess that was not enough. Maybe God has a plan for me. Maybe this tumor of mine has a purpose and I need to accept that.

Maybe I should really accept it. That I will not live any longer. Maybe, my mission in this world is finished. It hurts but I really need to accept it. I am happy at least I live here for a long time. At least I experienced to be happy. If god will give me another chance to live longer, I would be really happy but if this is my time to leave this world I would be happy too. Because, acceptance is really the key for you to be happy.

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