Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Everything was fine and smooth we lived in place were all our needs are present in abundance. We called our home a castle which governs by love. Our parents are the best among all. They didn’t just provide us our needs but also they raised us with compassion. I have two siblings and I am the youngest of all. The oldest among us was named Anastasia. She was quite strict and always misunderstood because of her not so good attitude but I believe she has the good heart. My younger sister was named Cinderella. She is kind and sweet and that is why I don’t bother even we are not have the same mother.  Siblings rivalry is cannot be avoided. Anastasia was easily getting rid when Cinderella was having a quality time with our father. But because we are family we always stay together while copping up with conflicts.  I, Drizella the youngest in our family who always brings joy to us, but the joy I always brought in our house became not enough to overcome our grief when our father died in an accident.  That incident brings a great impact and changes in our family. Our home that we treat a castle filled with grief and misery. We lost the king of our family. The lost of our father was the start of family conflicts.  I saw Tremaine, my mother how she cried a lot. Her tears can make the great flood. And her face was tired of crying. After the death our father she started to develop anger management. Her patience also died. Cinderella was less fortunate among us, she lost our father and my mother treated her as a maid. She was deprived of all the privileged things.  The oldest among us always mistreat Cinderella as if they are not siblings.  I saw how the life of Cinderella became a hell.  I always want to help her but my mother and other sibling feels I am traitor. I can’t do anything expect for being blind and depth of abuse experience by Cinderella.  I became too happy for Cinderella when the time she decided to go the ball. She wears her beautiful dress but Anastasia tear her clothes. Without the knowledge of all I bought a gown for Cinderella and let wear a glass shoes. I am also the one who rent the gig for her wonderful arrival at the party. I saw how she enjoyed the party and as her sister and the one witness her pain and misery I became happy for her. But that enjoyment was limited, my mother was given us a curfew at 12 midnight.  I don’t want intercept her dance with Grand Duke. We need to rushed and be homed before the curfew so we run away from the party without noticing that Cinderella left her one glass shoes. That shoe was used by the duke to find Cinderella.  The Grand Duke makes his way to find Cinderella. And at last when the Glass shoes fit in Cinderella’s foot the Grand Duke marry her. 

photo url: https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjD3uL1ubHWAhUDoZQKHds4De4QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fginger_stevens%2Fcinderellas-step-sisters-anastasia-drizella-tremai%2F&psig=AFQjCNGNSzrKg3pMgaoo_B4CwQkhjWX5_w&ust=1505917467133672
Image result for drizella in cinderella

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