Friday, September 15, 2017

EDSA-Noveleta (Ito po yung una kong nagawa bago ko naalala na Filipino nga pala yung medium, so I thought I'd post it as well)

                It is half an hour past five and I’m on a bus homeward. Traffic turns out to be forbidding, I’m stuck within its wrath. I look out the window. I notice this silent lake. An often-ignored sight of tranquil waters. I watch its smooth surface as it seems to wave towards me, but it never comes. The sun himself is reflected on this liquid mirror of wonder. Calm. So calm. I may watch it all day and feel like only a second had passed. A timely blessing in an infuriating crisis of cars and right of way. What a picturesque view. Something I would want to share to my girl if I had one. I sit there. On a rock bus-seat, maybe the hardest I’ve ever sat on. Fifteen minutes pass, but I don’t care. I enjoy the view. The dynamic wrinkles form an endless cycle and shift. They aren’t wrinkles at all. Slowly, the sun comes down. The evening is arriving. Still on the same exact position for almost an hour now. Don’t I love the Philippine roads? Before the sun completely fades away, everything is perfect. The skies, the birds, and of course, the lake. I put my headphones on to listen to my favorite song. This shall make perfect even more perfect than the perfection of the latter perfect which seems not to be perfect enough so it shall be more perfect. It plays. Lyin’ Eyes by Eagles. God. It’s going to be awesome. Here comes Glenn Frey… and right at the moment Glenn begins to be heard, the bus moves about seventeen meters forward, banishing the view of the lake and facing me to a morbid and unpainted wall vandalized with phallic drawings. Lots of them. Lots.  

 The late Glenn Frey, ladies and gentlemen. Rest in peace, champ!  
Courtesy : NY Daily News 

-Rain Check

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