Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Forget yourself  by becoming interested in others. Do every day a good deed that will put a smile of joy on someone's face. - Dale Carnegie


In this world that self preservation is much more value than being a person who thinks for others, is a heroic deed. There is no wrong in becoming selfish but if it becomes chronic and you do nothing for others it becomes a crime for humanity. No man is an island, there will be a time that you will need an assistance from other people and if you did not help anyone why do expect someone returns it to you. But helping others just for the sake of return of investment is not a healthy reason. You must do an act without expecting in return. At the end putting a smile of joy to others will be great act of being thankful that there is Supreme being who always put smile in our lips. 

 PHOTO URL: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/09/06/article-1211640-0065A36E000004B0-743_468x286.jpg
Image result for helping others smile

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